Sunday, January 29, 2012

Second Term.....

As you all know the second half of the Super League starts on Tuesday. Sollys Nestle will play Sao Caetano at home. Last time we played them was in December. Can you believe it is about to be February? I am so in love with Brazil it is amazing. Time sure does fly when you are having fun.

Anyways. A lot is on the line. Currently I believe we are in third place since we lost to Unilever yesterday. Top four make it to playoffs. There is no doubt in my mind that Sollys will be there. The last game of the season is on March 6th. 37 days to play 11 games and believe me it will go by fast. On top of that my parents will be here to witness this beautiful place as well as this awesome team.

Besides playing in Puerto Rico. I can honestly say I have found my place to play until I can't anymore lol. I know that is early to say but it's the truth. The time difference isn't bad. I'm from Texas and it's only a four hour difference.

The Super League has taught me a lot. I was able to cut down on my social life. I keep my personal business to myself now. When it comes to Twitter I have an official fan page @DHookUSAV19. The page only posts updates about my games, stats, interviews, and other volleyball related events. The best decision on my life. Find myself only using Facebook to communicate with my fans on my "Destinee Hooker" fan page. Gotta love your fans.

I honestly thank God for all the challenges that have came my way. It allows me to grow and now is the time to grow up :) Yes I am saying that at 24. Being in Brazil has truly showed me the way to be. Taking note from my teammates as well as training staff here at Sollys. Not everything you do outside of volleyball needs to be broadcasted to the world. There is more blogging to come. After all next month is CARNIVAL!!! So excited to witness this event. God Bless you all.